
Natalie Joron, CPA auditor

Graduated from HEC Montreal in 1986

She completed the (3) three parts of the “CICA in-depth tax course” offered by CPA Canada in 1991.

Her work consists mainly to:

  • Management of the firm
  • Advise manager shareholder of SMEs and Holding Companies
  • Supervise and approve Financial Statements along with audit, review or compilation engagements
  • Tax compliance
  • Elaborate financial and tax planning
  • Assist terminated or retired employees

Author and trainer for CPA-Quebec (Ordre des comptables professionnels agréés du Québec) from 2003 to 2012.

Employee at KPMG from 1986 to 2002:

  • Associate partner, responsible for the personal financial planning practice of Montreal and the province of Quebec.
  • Main roles:
    • Assist employers and their employees as part of reassignment program with the objective to reduce financial impacts and to reassure them.
    • Elaborate plannings for senior executives and owner-managers, with the objective to enable them to maximize their financial situation and to minimize their taxes
    • Elaborate, review and approval of tax plannings of businesses and their tax compliance
    • Give numerous workshops, conferences, seminars, technical meetings to colleagues and clients
    • Acting as spokeswoman to the media

Instructor HEC Montreal, from 1998 to 2003:

  • Planification fiscale pour cadres supérieurs (D.E.S.S. / L.L.M. in taxation (with faculty of law of University of Montreal)
  • Le planificateur financier et la fiscalité, Certificate
  • The Accounting Model et Le modèle comptable, MBA intensif
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